Loading places
Offloading places
Type of vehicle*
Your load has been added successfully!
Our system currently contains about 600 trucks all over the EU...we will run automatic search for a vehicle every minute from now until the last chosen day of loading - should there be a matching truck for your cargo, you will be contacted by one of our agents...
Fill out the fields as following:
Ready from - chose the first possible date of loading
Latest loading - chose the latest possible date of loading (in case you need to load in one particular day, put the same date as the 'Ready from' field)
Loading places - chose the country - Zip code - name of the city (should you have more loading places, use the plus icon to add more fields)
Offloading places - chose the country - Zip code - name of the city (should you have more offloading places, use the plus icon to add more fields)
Type of vehicle - please chose the type of vehicle relevant for your transport (chose max. 3)
Type of transport - in case you have a complete load, write only FTL - in case you have a partial cargo, write only the LM/tons (example - 3LM/5t)
Your name - write your name and company in (example - Mark XYZLogistic)
Your email - type your email address